The Constitution & Safety: How Does the Constitution Protect Us in Our Everyday Lives?

Campus Conversation

Gwynedd Mercy University and the Montgomery Bar Association (MBA) present 
Give Us Liberty and Give Us Safety: Understanding Civics in the 21st Century, a three-part Campus Conversation series.


  • MBA President Seth Wilson


  • President Judge Carolyn T. Carluccio
  • MBA President-Elect, Colin J. O'Boyle
  • Kristen Gibbons Feden, Esq.

Ever since the Constitution was ratified by Pennsylvania in 1787, it has served as the guiding framework to protect Pennsylvanians in their everyday lives. This presentation will focus on how the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments function to keep Pennsylvania citizens safe from one another and from the government. This interactive presentation will highlight the language of the amendments, case law interpretations, and the practice effects in our society. The goal of this presentation is to show the enduring legacy of the Constitution over the last 238 years in safeguarding the rights and freedoms cherished by Americans.